The Guardian (December 2015)
"It’s much more than men taking down a chick flick."
"It’s much more than men taking down a chick flick."
BuzzFeed (July 2015)
Number 2 spot on "35 Hidden Podcasts You Really Should Be Listening To"
Number 2 spot on "35 Hidden Podcasts You Really Should Be Listening To"
Contact Music (Jan 2015):
Despite being commercially sound, Grown Ups 2 holds a score of 7% on Rotten Tomatoes.
Despite being commercially sound, Grown Ups 2 holds a score of 7% on Rotten Tomatoes.
Uproxx article (Jan 2015):
They’re documenting their quixotic quest in podcast form, “The Worst Idea Of All Time”, which is currently in week #47. Their mental stability is forever fractured.
They’re documenting their quixotic quest in podcast form, “The Worst Idea Of All Time”, which is currently in week #47. Their mental stability is forever fractured.
Consequence of Sound article (Jan 2015):
"As the series has developed, the conversations have shifted ever so subtly, from poignant dissections of the film’s merits (or the immense lack thereof) to conversations that primarily involve random existentialist outbursts and manic rambling."
"As the series has developed, the conversations have shifted ever so subtly, from poignant dissections of the film’s merits (or the immense lack thereof) to conversations that primarily involve random existentialist outbursts and manic rambling."
CINEMABLEND feature (Jan 2015):
"These two have watched Adam Sandler’s Grown Ups 2 once a week for the past 47 weeks. They want to try to make it a solid year. Good God, why?"
"These two have watched Adam Sandler’s Grown Ups 2 once a week for the past 47 weeks. They want to try to make it a solid year. Good God, why?"
VICE interview (Jan 2015):
"What started out as 30-minute long discussions about the film's comedic pitfalls and plot holes turned into extended bouts of maniacal laughter, existential reflections, and self-loathing."
"What started out as 30-minute long discussions about the film's comedic pitfalls and plot holes turned into extended bouts of maniacal laughter, existential reflections, and self-loathing."
Sunday Star Times feature article (Dec 2014):
"Neither have seen the first Grown Ups film, so each week have a segment where they speculate on the cause of one character's lifelong injury (this week's guess was that someone burnt him when ironing a shirt onto his body)."
"Neither have seen the first Grown Ups film, so each week have a segment where they speculate on the cause of one character's lifelong injury (this week's guess was that someone burnt him when ironing a shirt onto his body)."
Paul Scheer's 24 hours of podcasts list (Nov 2014):
"You’re basically watching their descent into madness. They’re really going through it. I love this podcast."
"You’re basically watching their descent into madness. They’re really going through it. I love this podcast."
The New Zealand Herald feature article (July 2014):
"As Batt and Montgomery have detected, Grown Ups 2, bad as it is, somehow comes alive via repeated viewing. It's terrible but compelling."
"As Batt and Montgomery have detected, Grown Ups 2, bad as it is, somehow comes alive via repeated viewing. It's terrible but compelling."